Business Telephone Numbers

The phone number that is featured on your website, business cards, emails and signage is an important part of your business image. This number may need to represent a particular location in the UK to appeal to a certain market or perhaps a telephone number to appeal the entire country, every requirement is possible.

Remote working is a key requirement to more and more businesses, having this flexible working while still capturing your customer calls is essential. Businesses that advertise a mobile number as the main contact number can be seen as a less established than a business with a landline number. Virtual telephone numbers are a simple method for any business to advertise landline numbers while still receiving those calls on their mobile phone.

You may wish to offer a free telephone number to attract new customers to your business, or operate with telephone numbers that generate revenue when being called to help finance a technical support contact centre.

Jungle Networks can recommend a range of telephone numbers to meet your business requirements from Virtual numbers, Non-geographic numbers, free phone numbers, revenue generating numbers or UK local numbers. Contact our service team to help you choose the right number for the business.

Company registration no. 07056898
Copyright 2023Berkhamsted House, 121 High St, Berkhamsted HP4 2DJ
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